Advice & Useful Links
Funeral Advice
In this section you will find more information that will help you to think about the funeral and exactly how you would like it to be. Please click on any of the sub pages or articles and help sheets below.
Help sheets
*These links open downloadable PDF documents in a new tab
Choosing where to hold a funeral
10 ways to make a crematorium funeral special
Music for contemporary funerals
Is this the future of British funerals? – a talk given at the conference of Centre of Death And Society, University of Bath, June 2010 by Jane Morrell and Simon Smith of green fuse contemporary funeral directors. “We have to begin with the question: why are so many funerals so similar when people and people’s lives are so diverse? …”
Funerals for the Unaffiliated – from an article in the Funeral Service Times in July 2010. “Many people do not claim membership in any religious congregation, but the vast
majority of the “congregationally unaffiliated” continue to mark life events, such as death, through communal rituals officiated by religious professionals.
Children and funerals – There is often a dilemma as to whether children should be put through the ‘ordeal’ of attending the funeral of a parent, grandparent or sibling. This article looks at the results of the ‘Iceberg’ project: a UK study of 100 individuals who suffered the bereavement of a parent before they were 18.